The squirrel (a copied post)

I saw thus post which I know will help us


Addicted to nature and its blessings, I sat in front of the TV watching, learning and listening to how a man was trying to prevent this small mammal(s) from eating the seeds he feeds to his birds. 

This man tried a set of techniques which would be mentioned in as we go on. The squirrel, an furry animal with sharp claws, flexible bones, a tail for balance and change in direction during flight and the famous quick, fast action reflexes which helps it reach its food and also escape it’s nemeses (other animals that might want it for food).
Now, to the main course, as mentioned above the man in question loves feeding birds and they are of different varieties but because the feed of the birds is usually served on a raised platform, it tends to attract this particular feeder, the squirrel(s). In a bid to reduce the number of seeds eaten by the squirrel(s) around, he changed the poles with different materials such as lead pipes, wooden poles, ceramics even with galvanized iron, still this changes didn’t deter the squirrels one bit. In fact, he actually tried using a triangular pole but because the paws of the squirrels were well built for grasping and balancing they defeated this enemy easily. 
Finally, he robbed grease on a wooden pole and then hoped that this would work as he was running out of options, standing aloof, he watched as a squirrel came by and tried to climb the pole as always but something seem to make the pole slippery and down went the squirrel.

 Happy, the man went to sleep, thinking *I’ve finally found a barrier* but unknown to him, the fur coat of the squirrel was rubbing off the grease with each unsuccessful climb, by morning the man came out to see his enemy on the open platform enjoying the food meant for his birds. 
As seen on TV, the changes in poles each at first caused a little setback but the squirrel(s) were adamant, stubborn little creatures (who will not take no for an answer) and wouldn’t stop climbing because all they set their mind to were the seeds, the goal, the satisfaction, a definite major purpose, the desire which was raised up on an open platform. 
When we surmount a phase or level, life will always bring unto us something else, an event, circumstance which we’ve never come across before just to make us lose focus,to tire us out and at the end lose our aim,goal,ambition and purpose. Learn from the squirrel(s), let unrelenting determination help you achieve your heart desire in the face of varied adversity, the squirrel(s) is well adapted to the environment in which they are, build yourself, equip yourself for the journey, to help you get to that place where desire to be, let the hunger to climb to achieve your aim, to get your seeds, your dream push you, let this take you to the top.


Diligence: a major key to success.

The bible says, see you a man diligent in his works, he will sit before kings.
This simply teaches us that what will do today, how much investment make in yourself will determine your position and level of success tomorrow

Happy New Month

Welcome to this new month, 

This start of a new month offers us an opportunity to sit down and review his far we have gone in this year and how much of how goals we have accomplished.
I suggest that you take a few minute or hours off your busy schedule and ponder and go through your resolution and goals for the year 2018, how many of those have you achieved.

What do you need to do to achieve those you ate yet to achieve and what have you being doing wrong that hasnt allow you achieve the goals yet.
Ponder who are my friends, how have they impacted your thought and understanding, have they being giving you feedbacks and information that will help you accomplish your goal and vision.

Who are those friends that are like pest and parasite, who contributes nothing to you but brings decrease and demotion to you. Sit down and ponder over your lofr , and journey so far, what do you need to do, what were you suppose to start that you haven’t started yet.

Frequent reflection and assessment of ones journey and goals, helps one know if he is on the right direction or sol

So happy New and keep shinning

Success as a destination    #inspiration #purpose #success

Success Is a destination so many are trying to get to but not everyone is willing to do what is needed to get there

Oluwafayegbami Adekunjo

Hello friends I just finished attending a 7 days capacity building program with over 13 sessions. Where I was greatly blessed and helped to rediscover purpose and how to Iive.

Yes, so many people wants to be successful and great but few are willing to pay the sacrifice for greatness and success. 

I wake up everyday and see so many aspiring to succeed but few know what they need to do to achieve success.

But before I continue, what is the true meaning of success: well I think success is setting a goal and achieving them, impacting life and purpose to those around you. 

Success is not all about having money, success is all about achieving those little goals you have set for yourself day by day, that is why I think success is a continuous course and destination which every individual will keep trying to get to.
Have you ever wondered that despite how we think that bill gate, warren buffet, dangote, mike adenuga, are successful, they keep starting up new company’s, keep reading, keep investing and still trying to achieve a higher level of success. 

Have you wondered that while a man whose is earning a thousand dollar per month considers himself as poor and still trying to earn more and achieve more,  a person is praying and trying to achieve and reach the level of a thousand dollar per month and when he gets to that destination he sees himself as successful..
So I think success is a personal thing, and is based on a persons level of imagination and thought.

A man is successful when he begins to fulfil his purpose even if he is yet to be a billionaire

Well I think we should ponder on this and let me get your opinion and thoughts. We will continue from here in the next post.
Thanks for reading my blog.

what do you do

What do you do when you are discouraged

What do you do when you are weak

What do you do when it seems like the world is against you.
Well what you do during your challenging time reveals to you what you are, who you are and what you need to work on.

Challenges helps us to discover our area of weakness and also help us know what we need to work on in order to be a better person and a person of value and worth.
#My thoughts


Ideas: gateway to success

An idea not used or pursued is useless… Perfect winner

Hello friends. Are you working and using your ideas!

You must know, you cannot be rich or successful based on the amount of idea you have that you do not use or act upon.

Have you ever wondered, had Thomas Edison not used his idea of an creating an electric bulb, no body would celebrate him or his ideas.

You need to work on the ideas God has given you, because no one celebrates ideas but achievements.

An idea or discovery is a gift you have being given to achieve unimaginable success. Bill Gate is widely celebrated and successful because of his idea and discovery ‘Microsoft’.

Any oppotunity you have, use this gift you have being given well.


Thank you for reading, you can check my other post and please do leave a comment.


Good morning.  

Its the start of another week,  well i want you to know that “the way you live and handle today will determine, what will become of you tomorrow.  

Today ia a gift given to us, so we can determine how tomorrow will be.  So take this gift well,  cherish it and try to make use of it, because it determines our tomorrow. 

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